Discover new opportunities

Unlock market-leading innovations

With data-driven trend analysis, take the guesswork out of market predictions and capitalise on genuine opportunities. Track and monitor the trends reshaping the insurance landscape, and identify the companies driving the change.

A world of opportunity

Dashboard view, Data-driven market intelligence

Explore the world's most comprehensive source of innovation activity

Whether you’re looking to partner with startups, or for inspiration to stimulate and build a pipeline of internal innovation, we’re here to help.

With data on millions of companies Sønr provides critical data-driven market intelligence on the global innovation reshaping the insurance sector; the market trends, the startups and scaleups rethinking today’s business, and the innovation your competitors are working on.


the global insurtech market, Data-driven market intelligence

Tracking the market (powered by data)

At Sønr, we source and collate data on innovation from around the world – from within and outside of insurance. This data is augmented by our in-house researchers to ensure it is up-to-the-minute and accurate.

Sønr enables companies to broaden their market scanning activity whilst still being able to access all the necessary intelligence to make informed and timely decisions.

Determining quality

Determining quality

Sometimes it’s tricky to evaluate one startup from the next. Our Sønr Index is a very simple score (powered by some seriously complex tech) of how likely a company is to succeed. It’s the same technology used to create our annual Insurtech 100 listing.

Whilst success propensity is not the only indicator you might need when selecting who to work with, our guess is it’ll be one of them.

Sønr Insights

No more heavy lifting

Once Sønr learns what you’re looking for, it will intelligently nudge you towards similar innovation from around the world.

If you’ve already set your sights on particular companies, Sønr can let you know as and when there’s any update to their profiles – from new investments to product launches.

More than just a platform, accelerate roadmap delivery

More than just a platform

Whilst Sønr is a seriously smart platform, we’re not the kind of team who will just phone you up around contract renewal time.

If you’ve an idea for a new Sønr feature or would like it integrated into part of your tech stack, we’re always happy to explore this.

Equally, if you need a board paper, a market report, or some deep-dive analysis, we have a team of researchers, analysts, and data scientists at your disposal.