Beyond the echo chamber of Insurtech

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innovation data

You’ve come across startup X.
So, who else is like them?

innovation data

Time to step outside the Insurtech echo chamber.

The next wave of tech innovation is hitting insurance. But it’s not coming from the usual suspects. Innovation from outside the industry is bleeding into insurance and changing the landscape once again. And it’s bringing plenty of opportunity for the early-adopters.

You might want to read the next bit a couple of times.

Using Sønr, we can actively introduce you to companies we know you don’t know. Ones we know you would like to know. Even if you didn’t know you’d like to know them. 

How do we do this? A mix of Sønr having been built on the world’s most comprehensive source of innovation data and very clever data scientists.


We’re not saying you have to use Sønr to drive and accelerate growth.
But you might want to. 

  • Identify new enabling innovation from outside insurance, globally
  • Tailored daily suggestions of new innovation based on your requirements
  • Curated weekly roundup of activity personalised for you. And only you.
  • Reporting and early insight into the trends and activity your teams are looking into*

It’s still early days for us. We’d welcome a chance to say hello and explore how Sønr might add value.

Team Sønr

*only available with Sønr Enterprise

innovation data

Sønr helps companies identify innovation that drives strategy and its execution.

We achieve this by presenting our clients with timely and relevant intelligence from the world’s most comprehensive source of innovation data.




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